Thursday, February 11, 2016

Trial and Hair-or.

For the past three months I've been performing an experiment. This process was not scientifically based or funded, or even performed in a controlled environment.  It was simply me, trying to grow hair on my head. 
You see, I used to have long hair, 20 years ago. Then I became a recipient of male pattern baldness, and no matter how much I tried, I could do nothing to grow back  that hair I once had. The struggle is real. 
So for the past three months, I thought maybe a miracle would occur, and even though my hairline has receded, and my crown had thinned, I would grow some of what I once had back!
Epic Fail. Thick on the sides and back, not so much up top. 
Then, as I looked in the mirror it occurred to me. I'm not who I once was, and I'm ok with that. 
Let's take today and be who we are! Dont let your past define the person you are today.
Take a good look in the mirror and love that person you see, you deserve it!
Until next time.

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