Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Candy Bar

I grew up the youngest of 5 kids. My Dad  is a retired Preacher. One thing that stands out in my mind about growing up are the many Sunday evenings spent together as a family. Most Sunday nights after church Dad would take a short trip downtown and come home with 6 candybars (one for Mom too!). Then, we'd all gather at the table as he revealed one by one the kind of candybars he had brought back. Great  anticipation built among us to see if he had remembered to bring back our favorite (which he always did). Then, one by one, we'd each select a candy bar, (we knew who liked what, so it usually went that way - although, being the youngest, and having a skin allergy attributed to chocolate, it really only left me with one choice in a candy bar, which usually led me to making the first selection; win-win!).
The point is, Dad and Mom didn't have to do this, but through a simple act of buying a $.50 treat, it showed us love and kindness, which created a lasting impact on me!
So I ask you, what can you do today to show someone love and kindness?  Don't wait, let's do it today!
Until next time.

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